Highs & Lows
A place where we can share our Highs & Lows ...
You can do it, baby!!! =)
Hi baby! Juz read your blog.
Sorry my dear ... I didn't know you were struggling so much with your History.
It's ok, baby. I'm here.
I'm here to encourage you, to love you, to support you and to cheer you on even as you are slogging hard during your study break this week.
'Jia you bao bei'! 'Ni xing de'! 'Wo xiang xing ni', baby!
I know you can do exceedingly well in your coming exams, my love!
You can do it! Coz my baby CAN DO ALL things through CHRIST who gives her strength! Amen!
I will be praying for you, dearest!
Looking forward to spending our very first school holidays together!!! =D
YAY! My first crossing over a 200-mark!
Hahax! Awesome! Finally get to cross my first 200-mark with my Radical Inferno! =D205 to be exact! =P Think I'm beginning to be able to manage and control this bowling ball that my most beloved baby bought for me! YAY!!! =DBaby baby baby ... How can I thank you enough? Trying to 'repay' the $342 'debt' ain't enough to express how grateful and thankful I am towards you. You are so amazingly sweet, my love! =) The very fact that you actually sprang this surprise on me that Saturday night at Sam's Pro Shop. Oh baby ... *muacks! muacks! muacks! muacks! muacks!*Thank you for loving me the way you do, baby! =)I love you, darling.